This widget combines the chosen word with the results of a search for that word on Wikimedia commons ( images, sound files, videos, and so on). 这个小部件将选中的词与该词在Wikimediacommons上的搜索结果(图像、声音文件、视频等等)结合在一起。
The method is called DigestSearch because it uses the unique digest ( one-way hash) value to represent a search word. 该方法称作DigestSearch是因为它使用惟一摘要(单向散列)值来表示一个搜索字。
Rather than use words as they are spelled, the search converts each word to a canonical spelling based on pronunciation. 搜索并不使用单词在文中的拼写,而是根据发音将其转换为规则拼写。
If a match is found, check to ensure that a match found for the same search word in a different field has not already been printed. 如果找到匹配,请检查以确保在其他字段中找到的同一个搜索词的匹配尚未被打印。
Display the contents ( as described above), and search for the word of the day ( debonair). 显示内容(如上所述),并搜索今天的词。
This unique key is an encrypted search word resulting in a32-character string, that is in turn used as the Universal ID ( UNID) for a document. 该惟一键是一个加密的搜索字,结果是一个32个字符的字符串,这个字符串然后被用作文档的UniversalID(UNID)。
In the background script library, the following process occurs when this agent runs: The search word is converted to a digest using the@ Password method. 在后台的脚本库中,当运行该代理时将会执行下列过程:使用@Password方法将搜索字转换为摘要。
If Lucene finds a term that matches the search word in the term information file, it will visit the list in the frequency file to find which documents contain the term. 如果Lucene在索引项信息文件中发现有索引项和搜索词相匹配。
For example, to search for the word echo in a file, enter command mode, type/ echo, and then press Enter. 例如,要想在文件中搜索单词echo,只需进入命令模式,输入/echo,然后按回车。
Generally search engines ignore word like "at" and "from" so these can be used interchangeably GetWord(" interchangeably");. 一般情况下,搜索引擎都会对“at”、“from”这些词忽略不计,所以这些词是可以交替使用的。
If you search Amazon for the word creativity, you'll discover something like 90,000 books. 如果你在亚马逊上搜索创新,你将发现至少9万本与此有关的书籍。
Vietnamese officials later returned to air search after getting word from Malaysia that the operation was still on in the South China Sea off Vietnam's coast. 后来,越南官员从马来西亚方面得到消息称越南附近南中国海(中国称南海)海域的搜索行动仍在进行,越南随后恢复了空中搜索工作。
Music is love in search of a word. 音乐是寻找一个适当用词的爱情。
To search for a word and replace it with another word, click Replace on the Edit menu 单击编辑菜单中的替换命令,可搜索某一字词并替换为另一字词
To search for a word or phrase on a web page, press ctrl+ f to open the Find dialog box. 要在网页上搜索某单词或词组,请按ctrl+f打开“查找”对话框。
Professional Search Engine Unknown Word of Recognition 对专业搜索引擎中未登录词的识别研究
Human Flesh Search: the Word Game in the Mainstream Media Context 人肉搜索:主流媒体语境下的话语博弈
For avoiding the syncopate of Chinese words, the author take the Chinese text search on single word. 本文把汉字文本的检索放在单字一级上,绕开了词与词间的切分问题。
Researches of Chinese fulltext search technologies based on word indexing is related to many fields. 基于词索引的中文全文检索的研究是一个涉及到多个领域的综合性课题。
Bring with you a dictionary to search the word you needed. 不妨随身带本英语小辞典以便寻找你需要的译文。
Study on Chinese OOV Identification Based on Extension Professional Search Engine Unknown Word of Recognition 基于统计信息的未登录词的扩展识别方法对专业搜索引擎中未登录词的识别研究
With a demonstrably better search engine, word of mouth ( and e-mail) carried the product quickly to millions of users in the "viral" way made possible by the internet. 凭借明显更为优秀的搜索引擎,口碑(和电子邮件)将这一产品以病毒的速度迅速传达给数百万用户。互联网使这种速度成为了可能。
This paper gave a brief introduction to the very short reach optical transmission system, analysed features of current word alignment circuits, and proposed a novel parallel binary search word alignment circit specifically for SDH systems. 简要介绍甚短距离光传输系统,分析各种帧对齐电路的性能,提出一种针对同步数字体系(SDH)高速数据的全新的基于二分查找的并行帧对齐电路。
How to Search Medical English Word on Computer and Internet 如何利用电脑网络途径查询医学英语单词
We utilize GAs to search stimulative code word in CELP when we have had the knowledge of speech signal coding and GAs. 在具备了语音信号编码和遗传算法的基本知识后,将遗传算法运用于CELP的码字搜索。
Three major ways of MEDLINE searching are the medical subject headings ( MeSH) search, text word search and Boolean calculation search. MEDLINE的三种主要检索方式是医学主题词检索、自由词检索和布尔逻辑方式检索。
The user interest model is constituted by a recent search word vector, a history search keywords vector, a document center vector and a query catalog vector. ·提出了综合最近检索词向量,历史检索关键词向量,文档中心向量和类别特征树的用户兴趣模型。
Binary classifications are much faster than structural search of word alignment, which makes it possible to perform semi-supervised learning efficiently. 与结构化的搜索方法相比,通过一系列的二元分类决策来完成词对齐任务提高了搜索的效率,使得大规模数据上的半监督学习变得可能。
Advantages of this method are able to view a search word and it corresponds to each of the results quality; disadvantage is the only view the relationship between each word, not view each search results pages 'correlation. 这种方法优点是能查看一个搜索词和它对应的每个结果之间的相关质量;缺点是只能查看每个词之间的关系,不能查看每个搜索结果页之间的相关性。